Continue LINK’s Impact

We Missed You! But It's Not Too Late to Contribute.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude to Hashem and to all of our amazing 593 donors who contributed a whopping total of $1,216, 456 (as of 8:30pm Thursday night) to our Pledje campaign. Against all odds, with the difficult economic situation facing many people, we met and surpassed our goal of $1.2 million. A big thank you, of course, to our matchers who have donated in excess of $ 610,000 to the campaign. What was even more touching than the outpouring of financial support were the heartfelt comments that our donors offered (whether over the phone or in your on-line dedications). Many of you stressed how much LINK means to you and to your families. We were greatly moved to hear what a unique and vital role our Kollel has played in your personal growth. We thank Hashem for providing us with such incredible Avreichim, who give 110% of their kochos every single day and night to the community. Thank you for your resounding vote of confidence and for your deeply-felt friendship. May Hashem bless your families with much spiritual light and bracha this Chanukah!

Rabbi Asher Brander
Rabbi Mordechai Lebhar
Rabbi Eli Stern
Rabbi Moshe Brull

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