Rabbi Yisrael Casen

Rabbi Yisroel Casen, Scholar in Residence LINK Kollel

Rabbi Yisrael Casen is a talmid for over 15 years of the famed Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin in Brooklyn. He also learned in Yeshivas Brisk in Jerusalem and in Yeshiva Gedolah of Passaic.

Since coming to Los Angeles, Rabbi Casen was the founding Gemara rebbe of YPLA, learned with many people one-on-one in the LINK Beis Medrash and also gave a Gemara shiur 4 nights a week at Kollel Merkaz HaTorah. Besides being an incredible teacher of adults at LINK on weekday mornings, he is also the Rosh Beis Medrash/Associate Rav of Adas Torah and the Halacha Rebbe for Machon High School.