Avi is a graduate of YULA (who occasionally came to Rabbi Brander’s shiur) before studying at Ohr Sameach Yerushalayim, Sho’or Yoshuv in New York,Chaim Berlin in New York, and Ner Israel in Baltimore. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Touro College. Aliza is a graduate of Bais Yaakov Los Angeles and Bnos Sara Seminary in Yerushalayim, and earned a bachelor’s degree through Maalot and her R.N. from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Aliza is a nurse at a skilled nursing facility. The Gruens are proud parents of four!
As an Avreich, Avi learns two sedarim in the Kollel, teaches in the community and organizes empowering Chaburah style learning for targeted groups. Rabbi Gruen is the coordinator of our evening chavrusa learning program and is also a 7th grade Rebbe at Tashbar. The Gruen home is a warm and gracious one and Aliza will certainly be a tremendous koach for the broad community. As an aside – there is big nachas here for our wonderful members Jeffrey and Judy Gruen, and for Dr. Manny and Sharon Saltiel, – who are are thrilled to get their kinder back home!