Rabbi Yehuda Kraft is a native of LA, having grown up here on the La Brea side of town. Rabbi Kraft attended Yeshiva Gedola in LA and then Bais Yisrael and the Mirrer Yeshiva (under Rav Asher Arieli) in Israel. After he married his wife Sarah, he learned for several years in the Kollel of Rav Eli Stepen before returning to LA. His depth and breadth of learning are evident to the many people he learns with weekly.
Mrs. Sarah Kraft studied in Toras Emes (having the unique distinction of being taught by LINK’s own Mrs. Robin Stern!) as well as Bais Yaakov. She attended the renowned Manchester (UK) Seminary as well as P’nimim Seminary in Israel. After spending a number of years teaching Torah in Dallas, Texas and in several schools in LA, she and Rav Yehuda were married and moved to Israel. Upon her return, she has come full cycle and is teaching a whole day at Toras Emes. In between all that, she somehow finds the time to raise their nine wonderful children.