Rabbi Rafi Fisgus

Rabbi Fisgus is a native of Wickliffe, Ohio (home of the famed Telshe Yeshiva of Cleveland) and learned in the Yeshiva of Springfield, New Jersey and at the Brisk Yeshiva in Yerushalayim under Rav Dovid Soloveichik. After marrying his wife Sara, he learned in several halacha Kollelim in Eretz Yisrael, most notably at the Jerusalem Kollel led by Rav Yitzchak Berkowitz, where he received his Semicha. In his short time here, he has earned kudos from his students during night seder for his accessible, easy-going personality and for the depth of his Torah knowledge.

Mrs. Sara Fisgus is a native Angelino (daughter of the well-known Kiruv pioneers Rabbi Moshe Dovid and Mrs. Bracha Zaret) and learned at Bais Yaakov of LA and at Meor Bais Yaakov Seminary in Yerushalayim.  She attained a BA in Social Work from Bar Ilan University and an MSW from Hebrew University. She has hit the ground running in her return to LA, taking over as the new Director of our TLC program for young women ages 18-26. She and her  husband are the proud parents of three children.