Rabbi Ephraim Rauch joined the Kollel in Elul/September 2019. He has quickly established himself as a beloved teacher, whose sincerity, earnestness, wisdom and warmth have won over the many chavrusos that he has during the course of the week. A native of Milwaukee who grew up in Monsey, New York, Rabbi Rauch is a talmid of Yeshiva Shaar HaTorah (Grodno) in Kew Gardens (Queens), New York, led for many years by Rav Zelig Epstein zt”l. He also learned in the Mirer Yeshiva in Yerushalayim, attending its highest-level shiur, given by Rav Asher Arieli.
His wife Devora (nee Lowy) is a native Angelino and comes from a family renowned for its chesed and hospitality. She is a graduate of Bais Yaakov High School of LA as well as the Bnos Avigayil and Meor Seminaries in Israel. The Rauches were married in 2018 and they are the proud parents of twins (a boy and a girl).