You can set your clock to the schedule of LINK’s greatest masmid, Rabbi Avishai Neydavoud. It’s a safe bet that he is the Beis Medrash every night until at least the stroke of 12 (midnight, that is!) – and often later. His warmth and ready smile are a magnet that draws in many students from diverse backgrounds. His patience and clarity in teaching make him one of the most beloved Rebbeim in LINK’s night Beis Medrash. He attended Yeshiva Gedola before journeying to Israel to learn at Yeshivat Be’er Yehuda.
After marrying his wife Shirly, he studied for several years in Kollel Nachalat Moshe (in Bnei Brak), before joining LINK over eleven years ago.
What makes his extraordinary hasmada (diligence) possible is clearly the indefatigable support of his Aishes Chayil, Shirly. She was born and bred in Eretz Yisrael, an outstanding product of the Bais Yaakov system. Behind the scenes, she takes care of all of his needs (and those of their children!), allowing him the time and peace of mind to devote so much of his day (and night!) to learning and teaching Torah.