Rabbi Ahron Becker

Rabbi Ahron Becker, LINK Kollel

Ahron Becker is a native of Chicago, IL. He attended Wits High School in Milwakee prior to moving to Eretz Yisrael and learning at Yeshivas Beis Yisrael for four years. From there he went on to learn in the Mir Yeshiva under Rav Usher Arieli for one and a half years. Thereafter, he joined the Lakewood Yeshiva where he studied for almost eight years. While in Lakewood, he took advantage of all the high level of learning and the Talmedei Chachamim that Lakewood has to offer, as well as a number of the opportunities that are offered by the Yeshiva. These include Talmudav Byado – a program designed to help develop and write Chidushei Torah, and Aish Dos– a Chinuch course and Ner L’Alef– a Kiruv training program.

He is married to Carli nee Sacks, a native of Tarzana, CA.  Carli attended Emek Hebrew Academy, Bais Yaakov High School and Meohr Bais Yaakov Seminary. She received a masters in education from Touro, and taught in both Emek and Bais Yaakov for a number of years before she married Ahron.  While in Lakewood, Carli was employed by Bruriah High School for seven years, where she taught a wide array of Kodesh subjects. Additionally she was the 9th grade Mechanenchet, and ran the 9th grade programming.  She is currently the 8th grade Morah in Yavneh Hebrew Academy. They have six wonderful children.